Religious Life
Religious Services
One of Yale’s biggest assets is the intellectual and spiritual diversity of its people. The same is true for Slifka Center! We have a wide range of religious and spiritual offerings, including regular daily and weekly services, opportunities for spiritual practice and growth, pluralistic and engaging holiday observances, and more!
For a look at the minyanim (prayer communities) currently holding regular services through Slifka Center, please click here. To find out about upcoming holidays, check out our calendar. Anyone is welcome at services: undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, New Haven residents, and visitors. If you have any questions, email the contact person listed for each service.
Kosher Food
Kashrut is a critical part of religious observance for many, and a cultural heritage for many more. Slifka Dining runs out of the Lindenbaum Kosher Kitchen, a dining facility that provides kosher food for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the academic year. All of our meals and services are held inside Kikar Shusterman, our main dining area that houses our kitchens and dining space. Kikar Shusterman is under the supervision of Star K.
Rabbinic Guidance
Slifka Center is home to our rabbis and clergy team, all of whom provide counseling and learning opportunities – individually, in small groups, and in classroom settings. They are also happy to just have coffee or tea and a chat. For more information take a look at our Staff page.
Slifka Center maintains the Downtown Eruv, enriching our community on Shabbat and other holidays by making our Center more easily accessible to students living on campus and in nearby neighborhoods. However, upkeep of the eruv is a significant annual cost to the Center and your support is appreciated.
Other Halachic Concerns
Yale University has a variety of options available to help those with specific religious needs achieve comfort in their day to day life, but individuals must take responsibility for working with their college or department to negotiate their individual needs and accommodations. The University administration is able to resolve most basic questions and requests. One of Slifka’s rabbis, Rav Alex Ozar, is available if you are looking for personal advice.
If you need support in asking for an excused absence from class due to a Jewish holiday, or an extension on an assignment, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our clergy team.