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Jewish community organizes vigil for Israeli hostages in Gaza
About 60 students, faculty and New Haven residents joined last Friday in an hour-long vigil for Israeli hostages still held in Gaza. The demonstration featured a Shabbat table set for each of the hostages as well as speeches and readings from students.
Words by Nora Moses. Photos by Ellie Park.
Last Friday, members of Yale’s Jewish community set the table to honor the 136 Israeli hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza and heard from Yale community members directly affected by the war.
The demonstration, which took place on Cross Campus … Continue Reading
At this most charged time for students on college campuses, Abigail Pogrebin speaks with Hillel directors Uri Cohen (Yale), Jenna Citron Schwab (Queens College) and Michael Simon (Northwestern).
Yale statements on the Hamas-Israel war
Statements from Yale University about the Hamas-Israel war, along with an overview of the university’s policy on freedom of expression… Continue Reading
A year of the Nigun Circle at Yale
Started last fall, the Nigun Circle is providing an informal and spiritual musical experience for Yale students.
Started by two friends who met in Yiddish class, Yale’s Nigun Circle just celebrated its first year. Nigun means “melody” in Hebrew and consists of… Continue Reading
What Is Happening on College Campuses Is Not Free Speech
Since the Hamas terrorist attacks on Oct. 7, campus life in the United States has imploded into a daily trial of intimidation and insult for Jewish students… Continue Reading
ERETZ YISRAEL: On Becoming a Jewish Activist
I am a Jewish activist. But it was not always thus. How did I become one and how can you? Here is my story…. Continue Reading
Noah’s ark in New Haven
This week in synagogues all over the world, Jews will read the story of Noah and his ark: how it floated on the surface of the floodwaters… Continue Reading
TARTAK: Is Yalies4Palestine a hate group?
Editor’s note: The News reached out to Yalies4Palestine and asked if group members would like to issue a comment or a concurrent column… Continue Reading
SCHWARTZ: Why don’t you see me?
The tears do not come at first. My friend texts me Saturday morning, attaching one of the early articles. I read it dry-eyed, scrolling, watching evil rear… Continue Reading
Toward a Humane Left
To hold everyone’s humanity—that is the task of the hour.
At the end of the Jewish holiday weekend of Simchat Torah, I turned my phone back on and was overwhelmed by images of death and horror… Continue Reading
Dissent Magazine
Celebrate Jewish Yale NYC
Yale President Peter Salovey, NYC Central Synagogue Head Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, Author Abigail Pogrebin, and CEO Bedford Ridge Capital Andrew Klaber talk about what Jewish life at Yale and Slifka Center mean to them. Slifka Center Executive Director Uri Cohen and Head Rabbi Jason Rubenstein share their thoughts too. Guest appearance by Magevet, Yale’s Jewish a cappella singing group.
As the former president of not one but two juggling clubs, I am known on this campus for taking my entertainment very seriously. But in … Continue reading
Yale’s Slifka Center for Jewish Life sits behind Silliman College on Wall Street, a quiet one-way alley behind Silliman College. Sunlight pours into the building … Continue reading
Jewish-American photographer Hannah Altman is the first Blanksteen Artist in Residence at the Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale. Through this program, Altman … Continue reading
Slifka Center’s Online Salons bring our community together across distance and years, for informed conversation on current topics. Recordings of past presentations are available below.
Please watch! and to relay your comments, we invite you to complete this Survey.
Most recent Slifka Online Salon:
On Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Yale graduate and current Yale Law student David Hopen ’17, ’23 JD joined Rabbi Jason Rubenstein, Howard M. Holtzmann Jewish Chaplain at Yale, to discuss his debut novel and National Jewish Book Award Finalist, The Orchard, a coming-of-age story exploring a young man’s transition from Brooklyn to Miami– as featured in The New York Times and The New Yorker. Participants were encouraged to read The Orchard prior to viewing (recording here), to get much more out of the conversation!
Recordings of previous Slifka Online Salons:
“Rethinking Antisemitism for the 21st Century” originally scheduled for November 2021 was held February 23, 2022. Antisemitism has become a prominent feature of American Jewish life in recent years, and as individuals and a community we have often found ourselves grasping for theoretical frameworks, historical analogues, and practical responses. Hear Professor Maurice Samuels, Betty Jane Anlyan Professor of French and Director of the Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism, in dialogue with Rabbi Jason Rubenstein, to learn not only about what’s happening on Yale’s campus, but also current academic understandings of antisemitism in our moment.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 @ 8PM ET- Professor Reva Siegel ’78, ’86 JD and Yale Law School Senior Lecturer and long-time New York Times Supreme Court Correspondent Linda Greenhouse ’78 MSL- Abortion Rights: Before and After Roe v. Wade.
Thursday, June 10, 2021 @ 8PM ET — Miryam Kabakov:
Changes are afoot: Hear what’s happening to make Jewish spaces LGBTQ+ inclusive
Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD
God Didn’t Create the Seder to Put You to Sleep
Learning from the Pandemic: Medical Education in a Post-COVID World
A Post-Election The Politics of Community: Contemporary Tensions in Judaism and Catholicism
A Post-Election Conversation with Emily Bazelon and Bryan Garsten
Jewish Responses to Climate Crisis: A Slifka Online Salon with Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin
A Slifka Online Salon with Professor David Blight, Sterling Professor of History and Pulitzer Prize Winner
A Slifka Online Salon taught by Rabbi Jason Rubenstein, Howard M. Holtzmann Jewish Chaplain at Yale
May 12, 2020 — The Supreme Court Today: An Insider’s Perspective with Lisa Blatt
This Lecture is made possible in part by the Henry Kohn Fund at the Slifka Center