Support a Vibrant Jewish Future
When you give to Slifka Center, you ensure a vibrant Jewish Life at Yale and help protect and creatively advance the ongoing vitality and cohesion of the Jewish people for generations to come.
Make A One-Time Gift
Make A Gift
Every gift, no matter the amount, supports a vibrant Jewish life at Yale.
Urim v’Tumim Fellow Society
Urim v’Tumim Fellows Society
We have three paths to becoming an UvT Fellow.
Your Jewish Legacy
Your Yale Jewish Legacy
Leave a meaningful and enduring Jewish legacy at Yale.
Did You Know
Slifka Center is an independent 501(c)3 organization (our EIN is 06-1257354) – gifts are fully tax deductible.
Slifka does not receive any direct funding from Yale.
Slifka covers 57% of all kosher and Jewish community dining costs. The Yale meal plan covers 43%.
Graduate students tend to not be on the Yale meal plan, resulting in a burdensome cost for meals.
Slifka is the central Yale resource advancing the interests of Yale’s Jewish community in times of crisis (including the fight against rising antisemitism) and every day.
Slifka relies heavily on charitable contributions to maintain its operations. We need your help!
What Your Slifka Investment Supports
Slifka Center provides leadership in eight key areas to enhance and nourish Jewish Life at Yale:

Warm celebrations of Shabbat and Jewish holidays
- Israel themed Shabbat
- Passover Saders
- Matza Baking
- Tu Bishvat Planting on the Terrace
- Fresh Latka Fry and Hanakkah Celebration
- Yom Ha’atzmaut Party

Engaging explorations of Jewish texts and ideas
- Torah for All Classes
- Wholy Queer
- LGBTorah
- Jewish Learning Fellowship
- Intro to Judaism classes
- Jewish Learning Fellowship
- Abortion and Reproductive rights series
- Yeshivat Yale
- Medical Ethics

Welcoming meals in our kosher dining hall
- Famous Bagel brunch
- Donut Study breaks
- Challah & S’mores
- Yom Kippur Breakfast
- Festive holiday meals

Soulful expressions of Jewish religion and spirituality
- Regular services for Reform, Egalitarian, and Orthodox participants
- Soulful Nigunim Singing Circle
- Tu Bishvat Sader

Constructive opportunities to engage with Israel
- Kol Yisrael- Israel learning fellowship
- Travel to Israel
- Guest speakers discussing Israeli politics, beta-Israel community, Jewish values
- Taste of Memories- Yom Ha’Zikaron

Stimulating experiences with the arts
- Blanksteen Fellows exhibit their work
- Artist in residency program with student tutelage and exhibit
- Jewish Scribal Art Workshop
- Artist talks
- Student internships at the Jewish Museum

Productive actions to make the Jewish values of kindness and justice real in the world
- Reverse Tashlich
- Wildflower and herb garden
- Plants in building
- Jewish Leadership Training
- Resetting the Table Training
- Recreation Programs (mini-golfing, karaoke night, etc.)

Slifka Center advances the interests of Yale’s Jewish community in times of crisis and every day
- Interactions with Yale’s administration regarding antisemitic incidents
- Advocacy surrounding contestable campus speakers and programs