Lauren Steinberg joined the Slifka staff in 2018 as Co-Director of JLIC at Yale together with her husband, Rabbi Alex Ozar. Lauren supports student life, pastoral care, and infrastructure; she loves hosting shabbat and holiday meals, catching up over walks, and the lunchtime roasted vegetables at in Kikar Schusterman. Lauren brings a wealth of experience in Jewish communal life, and currently works for the Jewish Federations of North America as managing director for civic engagement partnerships and strategic initiatives, a role that also involves campus affairs. She previously worked for the Anti-Defamation League in their New York Regional office and as terrorism analyst in their national Center on Extremism, and as JCRC Director for the United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien. She holds bachelors and masters degrees in political science from Columbia University. Lauren, Rav Alex, and their children are regularly at Slifka and always eager to say hi; reach out any time to talk, learn some torah, or help make soup!
Lauren Steinberg

Phone: 203-432-1136
Slifka Staff